Non-profit organizations usually depend on grants or fund raising to cover their expenses so they must be very careful with their expenses.One consequence of this dependence can be running out of money. If they depend on fundraising and have regular fund raising campaigns then they have more independence as they rely on their own efforts to raise money rather than on government which can interfere in how they want to run their affairs.
Homeostasis is the regulation of bodily functions to stay within a certain range.
All plants are autotrophic.
Autotrophic means he doesn't need another living thing to live(for eating) but that he makes his own food (photosynthesis). (auto means itself).
Heterotrophic means he needs others to keep on living. Like animals. All animals need to eat and can't make their own food with only sunlight, CO2 and water. They need food, which may be plants or other animals. That depends on the animal.
This excerpt outlines the important precedent set by the court case Plessy vs. Ferguson. Plessy vs. Ferguson establishes the idea that "separate but equal" facilities are constitutional (aka legal). Essentially, this Supreme Court ruling allows for private and public places to be segregated. The ruling of Plessy vs. Ferguson resulted in segregated facilities all over the country including schools, restauraunts, bus stops, bathrooms, water fountains, etc.
This case is not overturned until 1954, in which the case Brown vs. Board reverses this idea and declares that separate but equal facilities violates the 14th amednment rights of African-American citizens.
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