For National bank, he wanted a bank that would assume the debts of all states. This annoyed the southern states.
Analects became the most widespread and read book in China during 2000 years.
Analects of Confucius has important ideas about humaneness/goodness, rites and rituals, learning, government and many more. This book collects the daily teachings of Confucius which was recorded down by his students.
A man who was not familiar with the Analects was considered uneducated and not morally upright. Its influence is present in Chinese and Eastern Asia values and ways of thinking even nowadays. It's about how to better manage our relationships with colleagues and people around you.
The correct answer is option C.
Absolute monarchy is most similar to the Dictatorship form of the government.
Absolute monarchy is referred to the monarchial form of government in which the monarch exercises the supreme powers to head and govern the state in the manner in which one wants. A dictator in a much similar manner like the monarch exercise powers and authorities to control the state in an unfettered manner which is not challenged by the law and the Constitution of the country.
Further Explanation
The authority of both monarch and dictator cannot be challenged by the law and the constitution of the country. Thus the similarity between the monarchic and dictatorial form of government lies on the fact that an individual exercises an absolute control of the country and they are unaccountable for their rule and the policies.
The difference however lies on the fact that in the monarchy form of government the powers are transferred and inherited mainly among the members of the country. On the other hand a dictator assumes the control and rule of the people by power and force and it is further maintained by terror, suppression or intimidation to keep them unchallenged.
Further all the remaining options vest some amount of control and powers in the hands of the people of the country which does not seems to happen in the rule of an absolute monarchy or a dictator.
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Learn more about the Parliamentary ;
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Learn more about the types of monarchy:
Answered by Jamuuj
Forms of government, similarity between dictatorship and monarchy, difference between monarchy and dictatorship.
Bodies of water, specifically rivers.