The independent variable is how many maps/charts are made by a student.
The independent variable refers to the variable the researcher will manipulate while the dependent variable is the variable that is affected by the manipulation of the independent variable.
This means that the <u>dependent variable outcome will depend on other variable which is the independent one.</u>
In this example, you predict that exam scores are higher for students who created more maps/charts. In other means, <u>the exam scores are being affected by the making of maps/charts to study</u> (if you make more maps/charts, THEN you get a higher score). <u>You can decide on how many maps/charts you will make but you cannot decide on what score you'll get on the exam</u>, since you can manipulate the amount of maps/charts you will make, this is the independent variable.
Therefore, <u>the independent variable is the making of maps/charts. </u>
Answer: You conclude that this difference in standards of beauty is the result of different CULTURE.
Explanation: Culture is defined as the arts, customs, lifestyles, background, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation.
As an exchange student, you're in a different nation and different nations have different cultures which can be arts, customs, in this case LIFESTYLE. The lifestyle in the country is different from that of the United States hence the difference in standards of beauty.
Jose's symptoms are considered Paranoid Schizoprhenia.
Not sure about Greg's symptoms
There is a strong correlation, and many do answer yes to this question, however, one must not mistake correlation for causation. While there is an increase in anxiety and depression in today's youths, we ought to try and look beyond just social media for a cause of this. In some cases, social media is the cause, but there is often an underlying cause besides just this, and often times there is an entirely different reason all together. Each case is different in and of itself.
(ii)a preference among older men to retire early
(iii)an increase in the maximum number of weeks for which someone can receive government unemployment benefits
Early retirement can take place because a man has to retire from his job at a specified age, because he chose to do so, or because he has been fired. Men who had the obligation to take early retirement may become unemployed. On the other hand, in most states, workers who have lost their job can benefit from government unemployment benefits for up to twenty-six weeks. If this time-lapse increases, they may remain unemployed for longer.
These two factors can increase the unemployment rate.