The Atlantic slave trade had a negative impact on African societies and the long-term impoverishment of West Africa. For some it intensified effects already present among its rulers and kingdoms.
The use of African slave labour was not new. The Spanish and Portuguese had been using African slaves since the 16th century. However, the Atlantic slave trade of the 18th century was a new kind of slavery and was on a scale much greater than ever before.
The implications of the slave trade included:
Effects of the trade on African societies in West Africa
The slave sellers and European ‘factories’ on the West African coast
The development of slave-based states and economies
The destruction of societies
The development of foreign colonies
Leaders of African societies took roles in continuing the trade
Answer: D. The second national bank was chartered in 1816
Sources of information or evidences of what life was like for people living in the Maurya empire during King Ashoka´s reign:
Each endeavor of King Ashoka can be regarded as a source of information or evidence of his quest to promote a more just and humane society.
Most of what is known of the period of reign of King Ashoka are based on edicts inscribed on stones and pillars. Some of the translations of these edicts are based on earlier English translations of a renowned Indian author called Amulyachandra Sen. His works were translated into Magadhi, Sanskrit and English.
King Ashoka converted to Buddhism. Before then, he was said to have been a cruel and ruthless ruler.
- A number edicts were inscribed on stones and pillars and discovered in the nineteenth century in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nepal. As Buddhist disciple, most of these edicts were concerned with the reforms promulgated and recommended moral principles, in his quest for a more just and humane society. For this reason, edicts were written in his own words on stones and pillars and erected in various parts of his territories.
- After he became a Buddhist he also built a number of stupas (religious temples hemispherical structures used to keep relics and remains of Buddhist monks and nuns.) He promoted religious freedom and harmony, notwithstanding, most of his principles were based on Buddhism philosophy.
- Years after his succession, he sent envoys to Greek kings of neighboring territories. Envoys are normally equipped with letters and presents which are often presented.
- King Ashoka´s close relationship with Tissa the king of Sri Lanka, where his son was said to have been the first Buddhist missionary.
- System of governance, law and order. The empire was divided into four parts. Four chosen representatives from the public are said to have governed each part. Fines were common form of correction and capital punishment is said to have taken place.
- Economy based on land revenue, agriculture and to a lesser extent trade.
- Creation of endogamous groups connected to socio-economic occupations. For example, Megasthenes the ancient Greek Ambassador and historian, describes that there existed seven occupational groups. Professions was passed down through generations and marriage to members outside a group was forbidden, thus a caste system was maintained.
- He also maintained a constant touch with his population and considered himself the father of all men.
The Two Consuls
The Two Consuls, or leaders, had the most power between the two of them but still were constrained by the Senate.
People in the future could describe our civilization in many ways. Considering what may happen in the future (new way of goverment, and/or the shape of life.) They could admire the ways we built our towers, or how we lived, or maybe even how we celebrated certain events. For example, how we celebrated Mardi Gras, with parades and food. Then again, they may think the parades were ludacris. And un-human like.
People in the future would most likely criticize how we treated people based on how they looked/ the color of peoples skin/ and how much money they had. They would most likley belive that we were un fair to others and straight up rude.
People in the future could think many things about how we live now.