Segundo o padrão da National Institute of Standards and Technology a alternativa correta é a letra E) 400 músicas. Segundo o padrão disposto acima, dois Giga Bytes equivalem à dois mil Mega Bytes, assim, se cada música tem exatos 5MB, podemos chegar ao total de músicas que podem ser gravadas em um PenDrive de 2GB livres do seguinte modo :
A evolução da microeletrônica possibilitou uma capacidade de armazenamento cada vez maior a cada ano. O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias na área permite também que os produtores possam produzir músicas, fotos e vídeos com cada vez mais qualidade (consequentemente mais pesada).
When somebody writes the answer for your question and posts it on your question it will show a “(crown)mark as brainliest” in blue. click it and it’ll turn yellow and mark the person the brainliest for your question
A missing link is a long-extinct organism that filled in a gap between closely related species that now coexist on Earth, such as between apes and humans or reptiles and birds.
A possible or recent transitional fossil is referred to as the "missing link." In the media and in popular science, it is widely used to describe any novel transitional form. Initially, the expression was used to describe a hypothetical transitional form that existed between anthropoid ancestors and anatomically modern humans. The term was influenced by both the pre-Darwinian evolutionary theory known as the Great Chain of Being and the now discredited notion that simple species are more primitive than sophisticated ones. Human evolutionary phylogenetic tree. Since evolutionary trees only hold information at their tips and nodes, and the rest is relied on conjecture rather than fossil evidence, geneticists have supported the idea of the "missing link." But anthropologists no longer like it because of what it suggests.
Learn more about missing link from
oid changeCase (char char_array[], int array_size ) {
mov eax, char_array;
mov edi, 0;
cmp edi, array_size;
jge exit;
mov ebx, edi;
shl ebx, 2;
mov cl, [eax + ebx];
//working on it
cmp cl, 0x41;
jl next_indx;
cmp cl, 0x7A;
jg next_indx;
cmp cl, 'a';
jl convert_down;
jge convert_up;
or cl, 0x20; //make it lowercase
jmp write;
and cl, 0x20;
jmp write;
mov byte ptr [eax + ebx], cl
inc edi;
cmp edi, array_size;
jl readArray;
mov char_array, eax;
- Move char_array to eax as it is base image
- Use ebx as offset
- Use ecx as the storage register
- check if cl is <= than ASCII value 65 (A)
A Plug-in is a software that provides additional functionalities to existing programs. The need for them stems from the fact that users might want additional features or functions that were not available in the original program. Digital audio, video, and web browsers use plug-ins to update the already existing programs or to display audio/video through a media file. Plug-ins save the users of the stress of having to wait till a new product with the functionality that they want is produced.