Magazine: This is a magazine which is mostly a primary source. It shoes us the trends of fashion, different clothes, styles and beauty. They can show lots of unique looks, and many people buy them to help style their own looks and clothes or try something new.
A dramatic monologue is a long piece of writing or poetry that seeks to reveal the reader or character’s innermost thoughts and feelings. Dramatic monologues can be entire works on their own, such as Tennyson’s poem "Ulysses," or they can simply be passages within a longer work, such as the soliloquys in Shakespeare’s plays. The dramatic monologue as a form or literary device was popularized by English Romantic poets such as Percy B. Shelley and Robert Browning.
Sleights means the use of dexterity or cunning, especially so as to deceive.
This is what this word means but I can't tell you how the context lead me to this because I don't have the passage it came from.