Roosevelt's used pragmatism to address great depression.
Pragmatism is to try new methods and theories to find solutions to a particular problem. If a theory or a method helps to solve that problem, it is accepted but if that method fails, then some other method is to be selected to solve that problem.
This was the method that was used by Roosevelt to deal with the problem of great depression. They keep trying the methods till you reach the most appropriate method to deal with the problem.
The answer is A.
There is no way that the French Revolution was peaceful and short. The French Revolution became violent after the execution of King Louis XIV, later brining the start of the reign of terror. A time where there were mass executions of people not accepting and supporting the revolution.
The correct answer is advertise goods.
The consumerism cycle was boosted in the 1920's. Advertising is the reason the cycle was feeding the economic growth. The biggest part of the cycle is to advertise goods on the radio, in print, and in modern times the television or movies.
Consumers by based on wants and not always needs. All companies and businesses watch the buying demands of their consumers and base ads on their wants. They encourage consumers to "live the good life" even though they may not be able to afford all of the things.
Some benefits of consumerism is;
- people buy more goods
- people consume more
- people create a demand for more services and goods
- people spend more
- the need for workers increase with the wants of consumers
Learn more about advertising and consumers at
Are their options? if not I'd say its like a wall