C. tragicomedy
It is tragic, dramatics, and full of peril. However, instead of staying a gloomy story, it picks up at the end with a perky and funny ending.
The answer is below
Dear Dad,
I've really missed you, Dad. How's Mum and everyone at home? I'm sure kitty cat is still kicking? How about the PSP you promised to buy for me? I hope you've bought it already? I can't wait to come home and meet you all.
Dad, soon enough, we'll be having Mid-term online Examinations and this will be my first time taking such an exam, hence, I need every good tip I can get to pass.
Since you're an examiner, I believe you can easily tutor me on this.
What are the things I should be aware of? How can I ace my exams without overstressing myself? Is there a specific method in reading for this type of exam? Please reply quickly and add many more tips that can help me succeed.
Thanks, Dad, I love you.
Yours sincerely,
Abused people respond well to love, but they usually don't believe it's real. They wonder why they aren't being hurt or why there is no pain in their love. If they are in a relationship with someone who abuses them, and they never got help as a child, they will continue to be abused and hurt. If they did get help as a child, they will, most likely, walk out of the relationship. On the other hand, people who had good childhoods will respond 'normally' to love, getting out of bad relationships, and staying in good ones.
D. yes, i bough cleaning supplies, first aid items, and lightbulbs
The correct answer is "Group II. When the root is a full word except for a final e, the forms usually are spelled with -able"
The passage presented in the question explains the basic rules for adding the suffix "-able" to a root word or basic unit that forms words, for doing this, there are eight different rules that define the correct way to add this suffix mainly based on the features of a word. In the case of the word "desire" this word is a root by itself which means it cannot be reduced to smaller particles and this word ends in "-e", also the correct form of adding the suffix "-able" is in the form "desirable" which means the final "e-" is omitted and the suffix is added. Therefore, this word belongs to the rule "Group II", because as desire words of this group are full words excerpt by the "-e" that need to be omitted to add the prefix.