The nineteen year-old girl had just made her fourth score in her soccer game, the fourth goal winning the game. She looked over and saw her cousin applauding her from the sidelines, a present, which excited her, tucked under her arms. After the game, the girl walked over to her cousin, took the present, and opened it. Inside was a beautiful necklace with a soccer ball as a pendant. It had a charm to it, the girl saw. Her cousin patted her on the back and congratulated her, grinning as he did so. Later, the teenage girl sat at her computer, looking at the format with the new picture of the necklace she had just downloaded. She turned and saw the portrait of her parents on her bedroom wall. Then, she smiled. Turning back to the computer, she started to play a game. The goal was to merge two circles together by tapping rapidly. If you didn't merge the circles in time, they would squirt black ink in the player's face. After getting bored with the game, the girl began her homework. She only had one vocabulary word left: Sermon. Getting stumped with the word, the girl made a verdict, or decision, to look up the word. Turning on her phone, she saw that the screen was quite bleary. She silently cursed, but then took out her packet of homework and a pencil. At the top corner of the first page was an earthworm with a top hat, saying, "Learning is fun!" The packet was on Mathematics, so the girl thought that she was never going to get it done. She had only recently learned, for about the thousandth time, angles. She already knew about acute, obtuse, and right angles, yet the teachers still force her to work on them. She didn't have a protractor at hand, so she couldn't do some of the questions. On the next page, a set of printed 3D shapes were placed on the paper. There was a cone picture, too, with only one vertex. Next to the cone were two congruent cubes. After finishing the packet, the girl went to bed, very tired.
The challenges and opportunities did you encounter in online learning this past school year and how will this help attain your objective of complete online learning :
1. Digital Literacy ·
2. Technical Issues ·
3. Time Management
Online getting to know is education that takes location over the net. it's miles often known as “e- gaining knowledge of” among other terms. however, online getting to know is just one type of “distance gaining knowledge of” - the umbrella time period for any gaining knowledge of that takes area across distance and now not in a conventional school room.
Online gaining knowledge allows the ability to suppose critically about what you do each day. The goal inside the study room is to project you to suppose in another way, and employers want you to do that, too–to assume seriously for your role in paintings. getting to know this skill is what will set you apart as a student, and as an employee.
Virtual learning enjoy is brought thru computer software programs, direction content on the net, or a few aggregates of each strategy. The instructor communicates with the scholars about the usage of online video (live or on call), forums, instantaneous messaging, and electronic mail.