Isaac Pierce
"The Lieut. Governor asked Capt. Preston didn't you know you had no power to fire upon the Inhabitants or any number of People collected together unless you had a Civil Officer to give order. The Captain replied I was obliged to, to save my Sentry."
3. The Sultans, following a principle outlined in the Quran, allowed Hindus to retain their faith and live within the Islamic state so long as they paid a higher tax.
The sultans impose the Jizya or Jizyah and even manage to do it on all level of the Hindu society (that is, including the Brahmins)
It is a per capita yearly taxation historically levied from non-Muslim subjects labeled as dhimmi according to the Quran.
Also, the dhimmi aren't allow to proselytize their religion or rise new temples.
This is an attemp to make the non-islamic society to decrease in the ladder over time as the taxes are high and either force the person to convert or to live in poverty.
Answer: I believe it's D.
J.P. Morgan
In order for Stone Age people to survive, they had to move with these herds of animals. Old Stone Age people were always on the move. A person who moves from place to place is called a nomad. Because of their nomadic lifestyle, Old Stone Age people built temporary homes, rather than permanent homes.