The states contributed to rising inflation following the revolutionary war by "printing their own money," since this was before there was any system in the US that mandated a single, solis currency.
1,3,4,5 in the list of answers.
Tecumseh regarded the treaties that had been previously negotiated between Native American tribes and the United States as illegitimate and against the interest of the Native Americans. Tecumseh sought to create a confederacy of Native American tribes to fight against the U.S. to prevent expansion of white settlements into Native American lands. Tecumseh also threatened to ally with the British against the United States which Tecumseh later did. Tecumseh ultimately died during this conflict and the British-Native American alliance was defeated.
In response to the debate over whether Congress had the authority to establish a national bank, for example, Hamilton wrote the Defense of the Constitutionality of the Bank, which forcefully argued that Congress could choose any means not explicitly prohibited by the Constitution to achieve a constitutional end