Muhammad and his followers spread the teachings of Islam throughout the Arabian peninsula. Soon after the death of the prophet Muhammad, there were military expeditions, called "futuhat," or literally "openings," into what is now Egypt and other parts of North Africa.
The main export of the Minoan civilization, which was based on the island of Crete, were their achievements in pottery, cutlery, or rather culture and art in general. The Minoans were renowned for their capabilities in creating painted pottery which was also a product that they exported outside of the borders of their civilization.
He was good for some Romans, but bad for others. The optimates who opposed him in the Civil Wars certainly held a negative view. The people generally loved him, but he made too many powerful enemies in the Senate. Caesar was a great general and an inspirational leader, but he proved to be a very naive politician.
Islamic ruler so successor
John Wycliffe did not agree on a priest telling his congregation that bread and wine turned to the body and blood of Jesus during communion. Wycliffe did not believe in transubstantiation. John Wycliffe was a Bible translator, a philosopher, theologian, and a seminarian professor at Oxford.