The political system in Ancient Rome was based on competition with the ruling elite, the military was a key element to the political system of Ancient Rome that was generally based on competition within the ruling class. An individual social standing impacted their political and military roles. War was significant towards Roman expansion to the Northern Hemisphere, it was characterized by; grabbing of land, military might, strategic ability and political capabilities of the generals that determined their political leadership
Michael Stultz, M.A. Spielberg uses a black and white sepia film stock in Schindler's List to give verisimilitude to the film, to take the edge off the bloodshed, and to strike a contrast between awareness of the Holocaust and apathy. The film begins in color.
Explanation: taught cultural values and ideas to uneducated slaves.
first dynasty
formed by yu the great
System of writing
bronze technology using peice mold casting formed by king cheng tang
the authority to execute the laws