The correct answers are A. Reflection and B. Characterization.
After Jesus' crucifixion, his followers called him <em>Christ, </em>meaning the anointed one. The anointed one is usually transliterated into English (since it is a Jewish word) as Messiah. He is called Christ because it was believed he is the awaited Messiah in Bible.
La temperatura más baja existente es el llamado cero absoluto. Se representa como 0K (cero grado Kelvin). Es tan bajo como -273,14°C. Es un valor teórico, que no se ha alcanzado en ningún experimento físico
I feel the best answer is B) have food allergies.
It is not a problem for students who do not eat lunch so we can rule out C
It does not mention anything about the cost involved so that rules out D
It is a problem if you don't like fish, however, there are a large number of people who have nut allergies and if peanut butter squares are being prepared around any of it that could be an issue.
The largest continent, which consists of ice, glaciers, below freezing temps, and both the geographical and magnetic South Pole is Antarctica.