2) Built
3) wrote.... expired
4) Saul has ridden his motorcycle to class every morning this year
5) Has won
6) meets
7) lost.... applied
8) is... has
9) Has overheated
10) Dwight is a veterinarian who treats mostly farm animals
Easy meat wool and fertilizer that’s all i know
Es que santuario es un lugar de seguridad, refugio o protección, mientras que refugio es un puerto o fondeadero protegido del mar.
is that sanctuary is a place of safety, refuge or protection while haven is a harbour or anchorage protected from the sea.
In Laika the theme was that it's hard to let something trail you've got grown attached thereto the central idea is About how the doctor will miss the dog after he has grown attached thereto.In Moon Mission the theme is about furthering space advancement and one amongst the central ideas is making a rocket called Gateway to stay storage and put mankind on mars.