1. Taking care of these systems would ensure smooth cellular metabolism.
2. It would reduce the risk of heart diseases.
3. It would help in the maintenance of the right pH for the blood.
4. It would allow for the easy removal of the waste products from the body.
The respiratory system refers to the series of processes that begin with the inhalation of air and its movement across the blood vessels and eventual discharge from the body. Oxygen which is a very important gas needed to sustain life is inhaled during respiration. It is also circulated through the circulatory system to the cells and tissues that need it.
Taking care of these systems through exercise, rest, and eating the right foods will protect us from diseases that affect them such as Heart attack. Cells would also function well and not die easily because they can access the oxygen needed for them to thrive. The right balance of these gases would also ensure that the proper pH of the body is being maintained.
D. Prime Minister
Both India and Japan are considered parliamentary democracies.
In this type of government the legislative branch consists of an elected Parliament and the _PRIME MINISTER _ is head of the executive branch.
The cause of civil rights, established with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and through the Industrial Revolution, moved at a slow pace. As the issue of slavery and whether the U.S. government would allow it in the border states heated up, the progression of civil rights for all its citizens began to take center stage in the American theater.
Civil War era
The issue of slavery created a deeper division between north and south in the mid-1800s. From that division, the next wave of civil rights for minorities sprang.
Slavery. The vast majority of Southerners could not afford a slave prior to the Civil War. Poor Southerners ran into direct competition with cheaper slave labor for jobs. Many small farmers moved west in an attempt to create better opportunities for themselves. Wealthy property owners knew that the large plantation system would wither and die without slavery and therefore were more inclined to support its continued existence. According to plantation owners, slavery was justified since the economy of the North and South were dependent on it, with 60 percent of the nation’s exports arising from cotton grown in the South. Another justification was that slaves were better off than Northern factory workers in terms of working and living conditions. Slavery was also vitally important to the maintenance of the genteel and gracious Southern lifestyle. Rare were the Southern voices expressing a negative view of the impact of slavery upon local workers.
Good investment growth in the country
The most common reasons for business to underperform (low productivity, low profits) or fail (bankrupt, cease being) are as follows: Poor cash flow management. Absence of performance monitoring. Lack of understanding or use of performance monitoring information.