The right to Vote
Explanation: to be honest thats the main one so it probably that one
<h2><em>Franks and Celts , </em></h2><h2>Hope this helps :)))</h2>
The Great Compromise was a compromise between large states and small states on the formation of a new constitution.
After American independence the Articles of Confederation resulted in many challenges in the smooth functioning of the state, and a convention was called to discuss the fomation of a new constitution also known as the Constitutional Convention 1987. Two alternatives were proposed: first was the Virginia Plan, and second the New Jersey Plan. According to the Virginia Plan there would be three branches of government namely legislature, executive and judiciary. Legislature would consist of two houses: upper and lower. And representation in these houses would be based on population. On the other hand the New Jersey Plan also proposed three branches of government. It, however, called for a single house legislature with powers of trade and taxation with each state having one vote. Small states opposed Virginia Plan; Virginia was a large state. Whereas large states opposed the New Jersey Plan; New Jersey was a small state. In the final plan a compromise was reached also known as the Great Compromise. According to the final plan the legislature would consist of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state would have equal members in Senate; in the House of Representatives the member would be based on population. The money bill would originate from House of Representative; this satisfied the large states. This plan also served the interests of small states by giving them more seats in upper house than they could otherwise have.
There Are Ten Federal Holidays Recognized By the Untied States Government. It Only Falls On A Saturday In Any Year,
radical abolitionist John Brown led a small raid on the U.S. military arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in hopes of inciting a slave rebellion and eventually a free state for African Americans