The Supreme Court's responsibility to overturn unconstitutional legislation was a necessary consequence of its sworn duty to uphold the Constitution.
The correct answer is E. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act is a major pieace of legislation affecting the financial industry and containing significant privacy provisions for individuals.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, is a US law that repealed the provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that provided for the separation between traditional banking and investment banking, without to alter the provisions concerning the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
The law was proposed to the Senate by Phil Gramm and to the Chamber Jim Leach and Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. It was signed by President Bill Clinton on November 12th 1999.
The purpose of the Field Training and Evaluation Program is to train new officers so that each is prepared to function as a solo beat officer at the conclusion of their training cycle.
1- Criminalistics
2- Crime Scene Investigator
3- Forensic Photographer
4- Trace Evidence Examiner
5- Latent Print Examiner
6- Forensic Serologist/Forensic Biologist
7- Forensic Toxicologist
8- Questioned Document Examiner
9- Firearm Examiner
10- Forensic Entomologist
11- Forensic Computer Science
12- Forensic Engineering
13- Forensic Odontology
14- Forensic Pathology