1 ? is portugal 2? is spain 3rd? france 4? is Britian
look at the languages and magana carta from the pope he gave the spanish the majority of the south america and portugal the what is now brazil hence why they speak portugese
El río que separa el macizo de Brasilia y el macizo Patagónico se llama río Colorado.
El macizo de Brasilia comprende el actual Brasil y el macizo Patagónico, buena parte de la actual Argentina. El macizo de Brasilia cubre buena parte del centro, todo el este, noreste, centro-norte, centro-sur y sureste de América del Sur, mientras que el macizo cubre todo el sur de Argentina. El río que separa ambos macizos se llama el río Colorado, el cual atraviesa las provincias de Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, La Pampa y Buenos Aires antes de desembocar en el Océano Atlántico.
Answer: True
The ratio of the map distance to ground distance usually involves the use of inverse relationship between the extent of coverage of the entire map and the amount of detail visible. And this relationship is always written as 1/x or 1:x.
Where the numerator represents the map distance which always equals 1 and the denominator represents the ground distance which has similar units as the numerator.
The answer is FALSE. Just took the test.
Henan, a region in Central China's Yellow River Valley, is generally perceived as where Chinese human progress started. There are 4 antiquated capitals inside its fringes. Luoyang, capital amid various traditions, is home to Baima Si (White Horse Temple).
In November 2013, after the Third Plenum of the eighteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, China reported the choice to loosen up the one-kid arrangement. Under the new strategy, families could have two kids in the event that one parent, as opposed to the two guardians, was a single kid.