The prewriting technique is called CLUSTERING.
Prewriting can be defined as one of the first steps a writer takes before writing. Prewriting provides a writer with the clarity that he or she needs to be able to write.
Prewriting helps a writer to bring together the ideas present in his or her mind, arrange them properly, make and extensive research, pick the topic he or she wants to write about before the actual writing begins. Prewriting gives writing the final and definite structure it requires.
We have various types of prewriting techniques and they are:
a. Clustering
b. Brainstorming
c. Free writing
Clustering as a prewriting technique is whereby so many random ideas are brought forth. There is no clear definition yet. In clustering you can start by putting the main topic in the center and then draw out other branches for other new ideas or subtopics around it the main topic. This leads to the formation of clusters around it.