Answer: The History of the Match is interesting
B. Improvements in climbing gear
Denali is the highest mountain in the USA and is one of the most difficult to climb. The difficulty of climbing is mainly due to the inhospitable climate, composed of very low temperatures that hinder the survival of climbers. In addition, the mountain has numerous very steep vertical climbs that make climbing extremely difficult. However, the number of people who try to climb this mountain is much greater than the number of people who tried to do it in the last century. This is probably a result of the advancement of climbing techniques and equipment, which has become increasingly safe and efficient in helping difficult mountain climbs like Denali.
She took a deep breath as she stared into her own eyes in the mirror. The only light in the bathroom was from a candle, set on the corner of the sink counter. The power was out, so even if she flipped the light switch, nothing would happen. She was home alone, only, a few moments ago, she'd heard someone walking around in her house. Someone that was not supposed to be there. She had locked herself in her bathroom to try and calm down, to no avail. No matter how many times she told herself she was only imagining things, she would never believe it.
As silently as possible, she pressed her ear to the door and held her breath. When she was about to move back from the door, she heard the walking again, this time followed by a voice. "Ellana, darling, why are you hiding from me? I know you're home. Come on out...I'm not here to hurt you." She didn't recognize the voice at all, but they clearly knew her name. There's no way this was actually happening right now...and yet, there she stood, holding her breath in the bathroom, hiding from a stranger who knew far to much about her.
You did say anything, and you <em>did</em> say "even a story". So, here you go! Little horror story made up on the spot. Hope it does you well!
If a large amount of lubricant is removed from a system during refrigerant recovery is normal for an expansion valve/receiver dryer type.
Refrigerant recover is meant to remove refrigerants from cooling equipment using machines according to EPA standards. Refrigerant recover machines are used by Technicians before repairing or performing maintenance on air conditioners, freezers or refrigerators.