An autocracy is a type of political regime in which a single person is the one who governs without being subject to any limitation and with the self-imposed power to enact and/or modify the laws at his will. Therefore in an autocracy, the leader has all the power.
General John J. Pershing - your welcome :)
In capitalism the majority economics decisions are taken by the markets, there is economic agents which take its own economic decisions in function on its benefits. The activity of the State is limited to some areas.
In socialism the objective is the society, all the economics activities are in function of the society. Here the State has the control of majority of economic activities but there is private economic activities regulated by the State. Many intellectuals do not see the socialism like an economic system else like a transition to communism. Today there is not socialist economies and someone confuses this system with that capitalist economies with an elevated level of social security, so many says France is a socialism economy, this is not true.
In the communism, the State control all the activities of the people: economic, social, political, cultural, etc. The individuals decisions are not valid and there is not property.
He would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could if a wood chuck could chuck wood :)
B:American contributions to the columbian exchange