Answer: La Revolución Francesa y las guerras napoleónicas terminaron transformando el mapa político de Europa, y desataron cambios profundos en América Latina y el Caribe. En Brasil, por ejemplo, donde había una colonia se constituyó un reino y luego un "imperio" que duró hasta 1888
Both programs were consistent with each other in the sense
that both centered progressive agendas such as education, medicare, civil
rights, suffrage and economic opportunities for all. Some were not passed during Kennedy’s time
due to his assassination. These would
later be carried out when Johnson became president.
They <span>worked constantly and gave many sincere speeches about the importance of independence.
Hope this helps</span>
The first stage was military unification, which was carried out with the Northern Expedition. The second was "political tutelage" which was a provisional ..
To show that the topic is about the Nile