La tradición de las oraciones cantadas y los salmos se extiende a las sombras de la civilización primitiva. Este canto sagrado a menudo iba acompañado de instrumentos y su carácter rítmico estaba marcado. En la sinagoga, sin embargo, las oraciones cantadas a menudo no iban acompañadas. La danza ritual fue excluida de la sinagoga ya que el carácter rítmico de la música sacra renunció a sus aspectos más sensuales. Incluso en las oraciones mismas, el verso rítmico dio paso a la prosa.
D. Rick Rubin, how do I know? I just do.
1. Arthur Hopkins
Arthur Hopkins who was born on the 4th October in the year 1878 and died on March 22 1950, was a famous Broadway theater director and producer in the early 20th century. Between the year 1912 and 1948, he was popularly known as a versatile producer who produced and staged more than 80 plays – an average of more than two per year – he occasionally write and was involved in some directing as well.
Generally speaking, being a celebrity means having an out sized carbon footprint. That means that by default, just getting rid of celebrities would help us fight against climate change. That goes for pretty much every major celebrity except … Keanu Reeves, the outlier who doesn’t even have an email account and has no clue what everyone’s saying about him on social media platforms such as Instagram.
Intaglio i was just on the same question and saw this and was like hum, lol