Hello! :)
Aerophones are wind instruments.
Five aerophones are the flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone and tuba because the layer blows air into the instrument to make sound and you open/close holes on the instrument to create pitch.
Hope I helped and wasn’t too late I answering!
Have fun and good luck!
~ Destiny ^_^
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the question you are asking.
Hulk Hogan weighs 302 lbs
A French painter called Berthe Morisot the painting is called a summers day :)
para los pueblos indigenas, el idioma no solo es un marcador de identidad y pertenencia al grupo , sino tambien el vehiculo de sus valores eticos.
la situacion de las lenguas indigenas es un reflejo de la de sus hablantes.En muchas parted del mundo , estan al borde de la extincion.
espero que ayude