That would be an isotonic solution
Cardiac Muscle, reason its called Cardiac attack when you have that sort of " Heart Attack "
1. The lining up of chromosomes by the spindle fibers takes place at metaphase II phase. It is the second stage of meiosis II, the spindle draws the chromosomes towards the metaphase plate.
2. The formation of the nuclear envelope around each set of DNA takes place in telophase II. Along with the formation of the nuclear envelope, the process of cytokinesis also takes place in telophase II, producing four daughter cells, each comprising a haploid set of chromosomes.
3. The sister chromatids are pulled apart in anaphase II stage. In this phase, the sister chromatids are migrated towards the opposite poles of the cell with the help of protein fibers.
4. The centromeres are moved towards the poles of the cell at prophase II stage.
It's an abnormally fast heart rate.
Symptoms to watch out for are dizziness, weakness, and heart beat (the heart may beat more than 160 times per minute).
They are usually caused by a disruption in the heart's electrical system.