Cells don't grow very big because they have to be able to diffuse through material easily. Also, when cells are small and plentiful they are easy to replace when damaged.
Any property that describes how a substance reacts with another substance when forming a new substance is the Property of Reactivity
The ability of substance to readily react with other substance to produce new product is called as reactivity.
It describes about different methods used by the reactants to form new product.
Sometimes one single reactant gives rise to two different products as in splitting of water during which the following reaction takes place:
H_2 O →2H_2 + O
On contrary, two substance combines together to give rise to one single product as:
2 Mg + O_2 →2MgO
Gas leaks
I don't know anything about biology but I know gas leaks aren't good for plants
Based on what i know of bats they have echo location to help them navigate were they are going and the echo location helps them to find food.a special feature that they have to help them survive is their hearing do to their lack of eye sight they compensate with unnatural hearing.