el socialismo generalmente propone que la economia debe ser planificada por tanto,los medios de producción deben ser del Estado,quién se encarga además de mediar en los mercados y proteger a la ciudadania tratando de garantizar una situación de justicia social
I don't think that democracy can survive in the slums. I think so because people in the slums are always treated badly for the things they don't have and they have to turn to illegal means to survive. It's do or die in the slums and Democracy died in a losing battle.
Although market day ultimately benefitted all of the early colonies, it was most directly beneficial to the northern colonies, since these were more industrial as
<span>the way that the soldier is living is by making the dead seem less dead
They dressed them up and put make up unto them.
Not only dead, they also read them stotries such as ted lavener's tranquilizer use or curt lemon's trick or treating. But eventually , they let the rats eat them to prevent the dead from spreading deseaes</span>
The great ancient civilizations flourished around river valleys because the rivers produce rich fertile soil and a supply of water for irrigation of crops and human consumption. This allows for the agricultural production to be greater and it can sustain more people.