<h2><em>C is the correct answer. Hide Behind a Bush. Now my question is... What in the hell kind of test are you taking where it asks you how to take a picture of someone without them knowing?</em></h2>

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Musical Instruments: History, Technology, and Performance of Instruments of ...
By Professor of Musical Acoustics Murray Campbell, Murray Campbell, Clive A. Greated, Arnold Myers, Senior Lecturer in Music and Director Arnold Myers
They depict the "ideal man" and everyday Scenes The protestant artist believe that we can find the reflection of a person relationship with good ...
A. order and composition.
<u>Paul Cézanne</u> was a French post-impressionist painter who was mostly active at the end of the 19th century. He is often taken to be the one who made the basis for cubism and was its early influence. This is because his work is <u>regularly exploring shapes, objects, and their relationship</u>. Through his art, he dealt with the subject of the analysis of the form and its order. He was very concerned with the <u>composition</u>, often relying on the classic, <u>geometrical </u>and <u>proportioned </u>solutions, as well as symmetry.
Franz did not like to go to school instead he liked to stay outdoors as he loved watching the parades of Prussian soldiers and the warm sun. Thus from the fear of scolding he wanted to avoid school.