The prepositional phrase for this sentence is "go until Friday." The word "go" is a preposition. Think of it as a squirrel and a log. To find a preposition, say "The squirrel (went) [insert preposition] the log." If it makes sense, it is a preposition. Then just find the phrase to go along with it!
It would be Admissions Ward
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The plot is the actual story around which the entire book is based. A plot should have a very clear beginning, middle, and end—with all the necessary descriptions and suspense, called exposition—so that the reader can make sense of the action and follow along from start to finish. Every story has a conflict to solve.
Answer:The author includes the years events happened.
When we tell a story in chronological order, we are describing the events in the order of occurrence in time. Most stories are arranged in this way in order to make the chain of cause and effect clear to readers. Events are also arranged chronologically in areas of studies such as history. In this case, the fact that the author includes the years events happened indicates that he is writing following a chronological structure.