There is 42.8% of decrease in enrollment comparing to previous year.
42.8% of 7000 is 3000 which is the difference. Just divide 3000/7000 to get the numbers
In other words, new enrollmeny is 57.1% of the previous one
In this item, we are given that the number of miles that John runs every day vary. Therefore, it is just rightful that we use three different variables for the number of miles he ran for three days. For the purpose of representation in this item, we let the variables be x, y, and z. The total miles he ran is equal to the sum of the three variables. Let T be the total and that would be equal to,
<em> T = x + y + z</em>
The answer is (2) a translation
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2^2 =4
-36 / 4 +5
-3 and 11
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