the answer is a
couse he was the smartes gai a live
Humanism focus on individual freethinking clashed with the churches teaching of obedience to church doctrine.
Humanism as a philosophical current emerged during the Renaissance period, where the great thinkers of the time began to put aside the prevailing theocentrism since the Middle Ages to move to a sociocultural and political vision of an anthropocentric type, where virtue, knowledge and beauty in art began to be considered as human attributes that extolled the condition of such. Thus, during this period and around this philosophy, societies abandoned the rigid social models established by religions (especially Catholicism) and removed God from the center of the social scene, to leave man in that place.
This quote means that the locals of a community are more reliable to judge and develop opinions on issues that affect their communities, rather than government officials. This is because they are even more so directly affected, rather than how statesmen are. Locals know their individual communities better than politicians.
I was alive and remember it well as many in my generation do.
I was 19 when the attacks occurred in my sophomore year of college. I was walking into my 8:00 class when our professor informed us class was cancelled due to an attack in New York. I went back home and watched the news for the rest of the day. It showed the videos of the attacks and reported on information and pieces began to come together.
This event shaped our domestic and foreign policies we experience today. For someone who can remember the event, we can also remember the ease of a flight or the lack of restrictions around the country. For people too young to remember or barely alive at the time of the attack, the event has shaped their lives as Americans.