Thomas Aquinas
Tomás de Aquino was a priest and a great philosopher, being the greatest representative of Escolastica, where he divided his studies between Aristotelian philosophy and Christian theology. He was very attached to the ethical issues that developed in the society in which he lived and always tried to reconcile logic with religion. For example, he believed that mental illness was a disease sent from the heavens, that is, he believed that there was a divine purpose in this type of illness and therefore, the patients did not need to be treated.
From the options provided, this would be <span>Elastic Clause.
Imperialists around the world used ideas of racial, national, and cultural superiority to justify imperialism. One of these ideas was Social Darwinism which was the belief that life consists of competitive struggles in which only the fittest survive. Social Darwinists felt that certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore destined to rule over inferior peoples and cultures. In an 1899 interview president McKinley explained "We could not give (the Philippines) back to Spain- that would be cowardly and dishonorable." instead he argued that the United States had no choice but to "take them all, and educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize...them.".
The Inquisition was created in the Middle Ages (13th century) and was directed by the Roman Catholic Church. It was made up of courts that judged all those considered a threat to the doctrines (set of laws) of this institution. All suspects were persecuted and tried, and those who were convicted served sentences ranging from temporary or life imprisonment to death at the stake, where the convicts were burned alive in the public square.
The Society of Jesus was founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in the Counter-Reformation in the year 1534. He, together with a group of students from the University of Paris, made vows of obedience to the doctrine of the Catholic Church and was recognized by papal bull in 1540.
They soon spread to Portugal, having been requested by D. J. III as missionaries, and acquired great influence in the social environment, between the 16th and 17th centuries. The Jesuits, as they were called the members of the Society of Jesus, were dedicated to missionary and educational work, being mostly educators or confessors of the kings of the time, one of them was D. Sebastião de Portugal.