1 - transitioning from selfishness to responsibility
2 - caring for yourself and others
6.I’m pretty sure a,but possibly b
When reading a play it is easier to imagine what's happening on stage if the stage directions there. We can picture how the actors are looking and what they're doing. And if you are acting in the play itself then it gives you information for what your character does next whether its 'exit stage left' or 'enter stage right' for example.
From the following test what I can gather about Jose is that he is jealous of his cousin.
He believes that Arnie is a spoiled brat that deserves all that he has, he wants to be Arnie or to be like Arnie. Jose's feelings of jealousy aren't misplaced. Imagine yourself in that situation, watching someone have everything that you ever wished to have, watch them be the person that you want to be, it would make anyone jealous.
The answer would be Suspenseful.
Credits to them ↓