C is the correct answer. G1, S, G2 are the interphase, then comes mitosis and then cytokinesis
Sí, porque Australia es una isla separada en Oceanía, la mayor parte de Australia se encuentra en los trópicos. Australia es la parte más caliente de la tierra en el hemisferio sur, que tiene un clima desértico semidesértico. Al Norte, este, sur-este y sur-oeste semidesérticos pasan a sabanas
.dan paso a bosques de eucaliptos, palmeras. helechos arborescentes a lo largo de las orillas y en las montañas. La fauna australiana se adapta mejor a este tipo de animal.
Allí viven varios animales marsupiales (Canguro, ardilla trepadora, rata trepadora (Koala o oso australiano), ornitorrinco y animales salvajes)
When taking out of natural habitat and put into an unfamiliar habitat several adaptations and behavioral changes can occur; however, it would depend on circumstances. Compare and contrast.
If you are provided with adequate medical, shelter, food, water, and access to leave whenever to seek these some of these luxury's than adaptation and behavioral changes would be the lesser. However, granted that you just go there with nothing you would would have to fight for survival - to live peacefully. You would have to adapt to your surroundings by learning to camouflage to avoid predators, you would have to learn to hunt for food and water, adapt to the sounds because of your sensory system will be off, you would have to be able build a shelter and learn ways to adapt to the climate. Eventually your body will adapt to withstand the many diseases, the food, and climate of the amazon rain-forest.
Behavioral changes of aggressiveness and alertness can be seen at an elevated level with having to prey and avoid predators -Darwin's survival of the fittest. The behavioral changes go along side with having to shift foraging patterns to avoid predators. Environmental changes can impair sensory systems or interfere with the physiological process which can weaken the ability of survival it can either make you paranoid or you can adapt; thus, changing your behavioral response.
Hope this helps!
f(R) = p = 0.1
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the offspring of crosses between parents with different traits?. Such as, the process by which peas are allowed to self-pollinate and produce offspring identical to themselves. A specific characteristic that varies from one individual organism to another. The offspring of crosses between parents with different traits. The chemical factors that are passed from one generation to the next.