An ancient Greek historian named Herodotus called Egypt the "Gift of the Nile" because the Egyptian people depended on the great river. Each year, the Nile would overflow its banks and flood the land. When the flood subsided, it left behind bits of soil and plant life called silt that was rich in nutrients and allowed the people of Ancient Egypt to grow crops on the land. Most people lived near the Nile River as the land beyond was the Sahara Desert. Egypt's northern border is the Mediterranean Sea.
Answer:I don’t support gilets jaunes (yellow vests) but I understand why they are angry. In France, all the politicians say that we’re in an economic crisis, we must make an effort... Macron promised a new world in politics and a lot of people believed him. Now his new world looks very much like the old one: the taxes are always for the middle and working class. He even suppressed ISF [solidarity tax on wealth], one of the very rare taxes that are only for the wealthiest. I can’t agree with people defending polluting cars against ecological taxes, even if I think that industries should be taxed. Besides, most of these people are Marine Le Pen supporters and some are really crazy. I don’t like demonstrations to be that violent. Breaking everything is not a good way to show Macron that his politics aren’t good. Juliette,
he was involved in several White House scandals.