it ensured that careers would be open on the basis of merit and not privileges of birth.
It did not guarantee women equal rights but confirmed the existing supremacy of men over women; women had fewer rights than children.
It didn't either enshrine individual rights or the security of the state- there was a balance
By insuring bank deposits up to $5,000.
The FDIC was a part of the New Deal programs of legislation during the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). FDR signed the measure into law in June, 1933. The program went into effect as of January 1, 1934. Banks soon learned they needed to enroll in FDIC or customers wouldn't come to their banks.
There are many ways for this to happen. The president can make bills. This isn't always effective as they can be rejected by congress. The president can also wage war. He has to be careful when doing this as it could backfire on him.
Hmmm lemme think stamp act