Produce means to make soemthing, but since I can't see the paragraph, I can't fully answer the question, since theres no paragraph to follow it on. Sorry...
When water is allowed to flow into the condenser, it surrounds the inner tube and creates a cooling effect. That way when the vapors from the boiling liquid hit the cool area of the Liebig condenser, they condense back to liquid form, which is how the condenser actually works.
اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم
The ten to whom Paradise was promised (Arabic: العشرة المبشرون, al-ʿashara al-mubashsharūn or العشرة المبشرة, al-ʿashara al-mubashshara) were ten early Muslims to whom, according to Sunni Islamic tradition, the prophet Muhammad ( c. 570–632) had promised Paradise
Umm.. Hi in Portuguese is “Oi”