The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Although the question lacks some instructions, it asks us if one of the options of these sentences is grammatically incorrect.
So the answer is Spanish is the following.
La oración "Los responsables del zoológico aprobaron el proyecto cuyo presupuesto es bajo" es la correcta porque se aprobó el presupuesto debido a que el presupuesto es menor, no es elevado. Si hubiera sido un presupuesto alto, no se habría aprobado.
La oración "El especialista que trabaja con los monos es de Cuba" es la correcta porque tiene la estructura gramatical apropiada; es concreta y clara. La otra oración está mal estructurada y es confusa.
In this first article we’ll look at Zh, Ch, Sh and R. In the next article we’ll cover Z, C, S.
These sound are mainly “difficult” because they are not pronounced how we would expect them to be in English. The fact that Roman letters are used just makes it confusing. That’s one of the weaknesses of pinyin. For a number of the sounds the letters are the same or at least very close to the English sound that uses the same letter.
Now we’re at the point where we need to totally ignore the fact that these letters exist in English and try to remove any sound associations we already have. C for example is pronounced closer to “ts”, nothing like the English c.
The good news is that if we relate these sounds to other Chinese sounds we have already learned our task is much simpler. This little hack will help us get a grip with these sounds a lot quicker than if we work from English sounds.
<span>The fact that Banks in the 1990s were more likely to approve whites for home loans than blacks or Latinos is an example of: Institutional racism
Institutional racism is a form of racism that is carried out by big establishment toward a specific group.
During that period The banks saw blacks or Latinos as the ethnicity groups that tend to have weak economic capabilities so they think it would be easier to simply deny them from their service because it took too much risk.</span>
It’s called an onomatopoeia, they are used a lot in comic books. :)
Las personas nacidas en un año bisiesto el 29 de febrero a menudo se llaman "leaplings" o "saltadores". Pero en lugar de esperar cada cuatro años para celebrar sus cumpleaños, la mayoría apaga sus velas el 28 de febrero o el 1 de marzo.