You must know what the Han dynasty is and the definition of those words.
Warning against permanent foreign alliances of these two warnings shows more foresight.
George Washington was the first president of the USA and was a man of incredible political acumen and foresight.
He was widely respected across the globe and in his country but understood that foreign alliances are volatile and can shift goalposts often.
He was predicting in a sense, World War 1, which could have impacted USA much worse had they been part of the elaborate war alliance developed before the war started.
Fortunately for them, until then they were in isolation.
G-funk, or more widely known as Gangsta-Funk came from West Coast Gangsta rap of hiphop music in 1990s. Lyrics mainly composed of anything related to angst, chaos and women. Though there were lots of debates who made the first introduction on G-Funk, Dr. Dre was considered the father of the music genre.
Distinct and opposed classes in the capitalist economy
The bourgeoisie represents the owners of the land and the factories, while the proletariat is formed by the workers employed by the bourgeoisie.
According to Karl Marx both classes have different interests, while the bourgeoisie wants to have higher profits with as lower salaries as possible, the proletariat has to struggle for their rights to revert this.
It is important to mention that Marx lived during the 19th century, a time when worker´s rights were very far from what they are today.