4 is c and 5 is b as well
Explanation: When the weather allows, Mr. Smith always tries to take her kids outside for a while each day.
It is parents’ duty and responsibility to join hands to take care of their children and give them a happy home.
Answer: Headings Should Be General While , Subheadings Should Be More Specific.
Explanation: You’re Welxome!!
I plan to pursue a career in nursing. I plan to achieve this goal by going to medical school and earning a degree.
The morning was cold with a bold statement
the morning dew was wet and set in the ground
you could taste the spring paste fill the air
it made you feel real, refreshed and lively
should you go out and play? i would
young girls and boys grab their toys and play
Boys playin' in the dirt while girls play with their pearls the mom would tap her foot say "nap time kids"
The kids always enjoy their snack pack
the spring melted away the snow and felt like mush
the grass was as brass as a trumpet but was slowing turing the three trees in the front were a rusty brown