Iqbal Masih was a Pakistani boy who became a symbol of abusive child labor in the developing world and died 1995.
Germany declared war on France. To avoid the French fortifications along the French-German border, the troops had to cross Belgium and attack the French Army by the north. Of course, Belgians refused to let them through, so the Germans decided to enter by force and invaded Belgium on Aug. 4, 1914
Authority gives a state the right to use its power
Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.
Humans are fully dependent on Earth's ecosystems and the services that they provide, such as food, clean water, disease regulation, climate regulation, spiritual fulfillment, and aesthetic enjoyment. The relationship between human well-being and ecosystem services is not linear.
Factory owners wanted to maximize profits. Laws were not in place to protect workers. There was too much work and too few workers.