Everyone faces challenges of different sorts in one’s life. I too had to face many challenges. One of them was my desire to win gold medal for school in inter-school athletic meet. I had tried many times but to no avail .
I clearly remember the defeat in the final 100 meter race last year during the inter-school athletic meet. I had to face lots of embarrassment and shame for not being able to win the gold medal for my school!
I had resolved that I would win the medal at any cost in the next year’s championship. So I had trained very hard. I did not miss any practice. I went on long runs to increase my stamina. I would sprint at the fastest speed possible. And out of my hard-work emerged fast running skills. The confidence to beat all my rivals grew stronger with each passing day.
And then the annual inter-school athletic meet arrived. The day I had to run, the entire stadium was packed to capacity. My teachers, principal, students, and my parents sat in the front rows to see me run to victory.
As I took position on the track, I was highly nervous. But then I calmed my mind. And then at the starting pistol I ran like bullet. I won the race with record time. I created a new national record in the 100 meter race. I was given standing ovation with thundering applause.
Receiving the gold medal from the Sports Minister I felt so proud and that is how I realized that courage and hope can help me overcome any major mishap or problem in life. If we hold on to our dreams and keep working hard for them, one day we will surely succeed
Everyday, Hachiko goes to the train station.
Hachiko can refer to both the dog in a real story or the dog in a fictional story and movie. The fictional one is based on the real one, and Hachiko has become a symbol of constancy and loyalty. Every day, Hachiko would go to the train station to meet his owner. His loyalty remained even after his owner died. Hachiko would continue to go to the station to wait for him.
Well, Caliban is clever and quick-thinking