This statement shows how our state of mind and our emotional and psychological balance can influence our real life for better or for worse, that is, our life is a mirror of how we are feeling inside.
With this we can conclude that when we are emotionally well, we act, act and do our daily actions in a pleasant and positive way that reflects in our life that becomes good and of quality.
However, when we are badly with ourselves and emotionally and psychologically unmotivated, negative, melancholy we pass this feeling on to everything we do, which makes our life bad, uncomfortable and sad.
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Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus points that our individual suffering doesn't matter compared to the whole world since a single individual is just a grain of sand compared to the whole world. This leaves the viewer with his or her own opinion. In the painting, the idea of over prideful suffering is shown in only a tiny splash that we know from the title of the work must be Icarus falling into the ocean. The rest of the scene is quiet and calm, as if the whole world continued without a care. Rather in Auden's poem, it obsesses about suffering and seems to grieve at the idea that our individual suffering isn't more important. The poem takes on a very powerful vocabulary using words like "suffering", "martyrdom", "disaster", and "forsaken". Many readers can agree that they both have very similar ideas.