That’s what i was gonna say
17. Laccolith
18. Sill
A laccolith is formed when magma makes its way up a d-ike and lodges itself between sedimentary rocks. The successive flow puts pressure on the rock such that a dome like structure is formed.
Sills are like mini laccoliths but instead are much smaller and linear. They can appear on multiple layers as shown in the diagram above.
The Guayas River flows through Guyaquil, which is the largest city in
Ecuador. However, it is not the capital city, which is Quito. The Guayas
River has it's name, because it flows through the Guayas province. The
Guayas River does not flow into any ocean or sea. Guayaquil is also the
most populated in Ecuador. The city underwent relatively recently an
"urban renegation" to attract more tourists to that particular region of
Ecuador. This was also to help boost the economy, since at the moment
it mostly consists of small and medium businesses, agriculture and
The 93,000-acre Elliott State Forest, just northeast of Coos Bay, Oregon, is made up primarily of state-owned lands dedicated to Oregon’s Common School Fund under the authority of the State Land Board(Oregon)<span>The Small Acreage program helps residents reduce pollution entering storm and surface water coming from residential and agricultural properties by giving residents the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their land and animals in a way that will help keep water clean. Often, these improved management practices also save small acreage owners money.(Washington)</span>