Old Movies served as the inspiration for Cindy Sherman's untitled film stills series.
These retro and old movies are obviously shown in the black and white images as well as the look deriving from 1950s-1980s films.
Employs geometric shapes in depictions of human and other forms.
Answer The Shinto belief of man’s harmony with nature.
If a solfge has this: '
Then it is a high note!
First Row: Do, Mi, Fa, Sol, Ti, Do'
Second Row: Ti, Do', Ti, Sol, Fa, Mi, Fa, Ti, Sol, Sol
Third Row: Ti, Sol, Fa, Ti, Fa, Mi, Do, Mi, Fa
Fourth Row: Ti, Fa, Sol, Mi, Sol, Do, Mi, Fa
That's all I can do for now. hoped this helped!!