Some countries are Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.
Both Genghis and his grandson Kublai had high religous tolerance towards most religons for the empires people. Kublai Khan conquered China and moved his capital to the city now known as Beijing in 1271. ... In 1207, Genghis Khan led the Mongols on the first of many destructive, bloody invasions.
The Aztec Indians were a simple people. They relied on what they could grow and hunt as their primary food sources. Because it was easier to grow crops than to rely on animals, the Aztec diet was plant-based and focused on a few major foods. This diet provided the nutrients necessary to sustain life, but it is also a healthy way of eating that you use can as a model when designing your own nutritious eating plan.
<span>The discovery of some tombs which is important to archaeologists' understanding of ancient Egypt is the discovery </span>that the people who built the pyramids were paid workers, and not slaves. Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a set of tombs which are believed to belong to workers. Experts believe the workers died building the Great Pyramids of Giza. They were workers because the material of the tombs were made of mud brick which was commonly used for the tombs of paid workers. These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid.