Hello there!
Back in the days of the early Egyptians, they did not know about "north" or "south." Due to this, they did not think to orient their kingdom in the way we do now. They took the Nile River, which flows from south to north as their reference. Therefore, the southern part was known as "Upper Egypt" while the northern region was called "Lower Egypt."
I hope this helps!
Uneven distribution of wealth, increased population leads to crowded urban areas which could be unsanitary, immigration can cause cultural conflicts
Un médico es una persona con formación medicinal y sanitaria, que está autorizada para practicar la medicina. La profesión médica cubre la prevención, detección, tratamiento y postratamiento de enfermedades, dolencias o problemas de salud y también incluye actividades de formación a los pacientes, para que estos lleven a cabo conductas que permitan proteger su salud. Así, un médico debe tomar en cuenta todas aquellas acciones que propendan a la prevención y tratamiento de las enfermedades de sus pacientes, así como la detección de anomalías en la salud de los mismos.
Bedrock geologic map illustrating the main geologic regions of Minnesota. Igneous bodies lie across the northern half of the state, with intrusions throughout the northwest and basalts and other igneous rocks of the Duluth Complex and Beaver Bay Complex from the Midcontinent Rift System bordering Lake Superior in the northeast.