Known as an accretionary wedge or Terrane
The seven energy pathways are as follows :-
1) The Meridians: a meridian absorbs heat in the manner this same artery supplies blood.
2) Chakras: the term chakra is translated through Sanskrit as disc, circle, or circle. Chakras become centralised energy centres.
3) Aura: Your aura is indeed a multiple layer shield of power that emerges throughout your organism and communicates with the elements of the world.
4) The Power Grid: the main grid is the fundamental energy of the body. Like that of a road car, most other power programs operate on the energy of a rudimentary grid.
5) Celtic Weave: the energy of the body spins, spirals, curves, twists, crosses, and weaves itself into trends of majestic beauty.
6) The Triple Warmer: The Triple Warmer is a plaza that incorporates the forces of the cardiovascular cells to combat an invasion force and mobilises the body 's resources in a crisis for either a fight-or - flight-or-freezing reaction.
7) luminous circuits: radiant components are intended to ensure that all the other power systems operate for the greater good.
Hurricanes form in warm, tropical waters between 8° and 20° latitude, north of the equator, in the North Atlantic or Northeast Pacific oceans.
Answer is B.
Answer: A moko on the face is the ultimate statement of one's identity as a Māori. The head is believed to be the most sacred part of the body. To wear the moko on the face is to bear an undeniable declaration of who you are.