I can't see the examples. But assonance means a resemblance in the sounds of words or syllables either between their vowels (e.g., meat, bean) or between their consonants (e.g., keep, cape).
The abreviation after a word in a dictionary tell you what part of speech the word is. Such as noun (n), pronoun (pron), adjective (adj), adverb (adv), verb (vb), conjunction (conj), preposition (prep), or interjection (interj).
On the other hand, the discovery made in Frost’s poem is more personal and abstract. Thespeaker of the poem discusses his choice of taking the less-traveled path of the two pathsbefore him. For the speaker, the less-traveled path represents pursuing and discovering apersonal identity. The speaker in the poem describes how going down an infrequently traveled<span>path has led to personal discoveries</span>
B. is the metaphor because the badger is being likened to an old man. Also, because the sentence does not contain the words like or and, it is not a simile. If you want to make sure a comparison is or is not a simile, check to see if it has like or and. If not, and it is still a comparison, it is a metaphor. Stay cool.<3
C. pre means before. Prewriting is the drafting you do before actually making it into a fully cooperating paragraph.