endoplasmic reticulum
ER is full with proteins than help to synthesize phospholipids in plant cells
The function of biomolecule inside our body system fully depends on the structure of that biomolecule.It is because the functional groups that participate in a chemical or biochemical reactions are arranged in a specific array in the structure of that biomolecule or macromolecule.
a enzyme structure/catalysis Enzymes are proteinecious in nature.Enzyme contain various amino acids in its active site such as histidine,serine,glutamic acid etc The amino acids of the active site of that enzyme interact with the substrate resulting in the formation of the product.
b mRNA structure/protein synthesis mRNA or messenger RNA consist of nucleotide sequence.The 3 concequetive nucleotides of an mRNA is termed as codons.Each codon codes for specific amino acid.The so formed amino acid linked with the adjacent amino acid by peptide linkage.
c cell membrane structure and signal transduction cell membrane contain various surface protein that act as receptor to detect signals by binding with signaling molecule during signal transduction process.
That would be ascomycota or sac fungi. Sac fungi are characteristically known for producing ascus. This is a sac-like structure that contains haploid spores called ascospores. Some examples of sac fungi are yeast, truffles, morels and dead man's fingers.
Moistens tissues especially those that belong to the eye, the nose and mouth.
Water in the body also regulates body temperature.
It transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
It also helps to prevent constipation.